الصفحة العربية

موقع الصفحة العربية موقع عربي يهتم بتقديم المعلومات والمحتوى المفيد للقراء العرب، ويشمل مواضيع مختلفة مثل التكنولوجيا، الثقافة، الصحة، الرياضة، السفر، والعديد من المجالات الأخرى. كما يحتوي الموقع على مقالات ومواد متنوعة تهم المتصفحين العرب ويتم تحديث المحتوى بشكل دوري لتلبية احتياجات القراء.

حل كتاب الانجليزي اول ثانوي مقررات كتاب النشاط 1446 الفصل الاول الفصل الثاني

حل كتاب الانجليزي اول ثانوي مقررات كتاب النشاط من الدروس للمناهج الدراسية في الصفوف الثانوية للمقررات والمناهج الدراسية في المدارس في السعودية ونضع لكم حلول تلك الدروس.

Complete the sentences and the puzzle and find the word in the gray boxes

  • we are sorry the (delay). Your phone is going to leave in about two hours.
  • the (departure) time for the next train to Philadelphia is 11:20.
  • The airport clerk didn’t let my husband through because he didn’t have his (passport).
  • Are you sure you can put all those clothes in that (suitcase)?
  • Excuse me, I think you are sitting in my (seat).
  • You always show your boarding (card) before you get on the plane.
  • M.r Amr always prefers a” n” (aside) seat when he travels by plane.
  • Amr goes on a lot of (business) trips, so he didn’t really enjoy travelling any more.
  • There was a “n” (passenger) on the bus without a ticket.
  • I wrote a letter to the airline because the flight (attendant) was very rude to me.
  • Look! Our luggage is on the (conveyor) belt. Let’s go and get it.


Complete the dialogues with the past simple of the verbs in brackets. Use used to where possible

  • I (called) “call” after I (had heard) “hear” about the accidents.
  • The girls (hadn’t tidied) “not tidy” their room when I (returned) “return” home.
  • Amr (had never played) “never/play” hockey before he (moved) “move” to the USA.
  • By the time the police (arrived) “arrive”. Lisa (had left) “leave”.
  • Amr (had written) “write” 5 letters by 6 pm yesterday.
  • When (did) you (realize) “realize” that you (had lost) “lose” your wallet?
  • Amr (decided) “decide” to see a doctor after he (had taken) “take” two painkillers.
  • Ted (hadn’t started) “not start” teaching before he (got) “get” married.

اقراء : حل كتاب الانجليزي اول ثانوي

Complete with the correct prepositions

  • We are run out (of) painkillers and I have a terrible headache.
  • Just lie (down) and relax, you will feel better.
  • Dr Amr is booked (up) for the whole week.
  • F: Can I talk to M.r Ali, please.

A: of course. Just hang (on) a minute.

  • Bill finally got (over) his cold. Now, he feels great.


Read the sentences and answer

  • Can you tell me where Dr Amr’s (surgery) is, please?
  • I’m sorry, but I have to leave early today. I have a” n” (appointment) with my dentist.
  • Amr took the prescription to the chemist’s in the morning.
  • Kareem can’t visit his cousin because he’s (allergic) to his pets.

حل كتاب الانجليزي اول ثانوي مقررات كتاب النشاط 1442 الفصل الاول الفصل الثاني

Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets

  • Mona thinks that museums aren’t exciting. (boring)

Mona finds museums boring.

  • Ola is very interested in painting. (fan)

Ola is a fan of painting.

  • Omar likes computer games very much. (into)

Omar is really into computer games.

  • Does Ali like history? (fond)

Is Ali fond of history.

  • Ola hates homework. (stand)

Ola can’t stand homework.

شاهد ايضاً : حل كتاب الانجليزي ثاني ثانوي

Complete the sentences with the correct from of the phrases

“and, but, because, so, or”

  • Yesterday didn’t go to the festival (because) he hates arts.
  • F: what color do you like, yellow (or) red.

A: I like both yellow (and) red.

  • Amr doesn’t drink coffee (or) tea, he hates both.
  • Amr didn’t bought go to the mall (because) there was a tennis match on TV and he wanted to watch it.
  • Fatma was very tired (so) she went to bed early.
  • Nada didn’t go to the festival (because) he hates art.
  • Omar doesn’t like science-fiction books (but) he loves history.


Complete the sentences

  • Nobody can (beat) our team. We are the best.
  • Amr is very (nervous) about the race.
  • Fatma is (well-known) for the books she has written.
  • My grandfather (came) across many difficulties when he was young.
  • Ola (trains) every day because he wants to be ready for the championship.
  • 2 of my friends finally hate each other and I wasn’t (aware of it).
  • I arrived at the supermarket and then I (realized) I had no money on me.
  • Ola made it (clear) that she won’t come back.
  • I (came across) an old book while I was cleaning the garage.

Complete the dialogue with any, some, many and much

  • F: Oh, no, I can’t make the cake because we have (no) milk.

A: don’t worry. I’m going to the supermarket now, so I can get (some)

F: Thanks. Can you get (some) eggs, too? We don’t have (any).

A: sure.

  • F: do you have (any) sisters or brothers, Fatma?

A: well, I have 4 brothers but I don’t have (any) sisters.

  • F: does this neighborhood have (any) restaurants?

A: oh, yes. There are (many) Chinese, around eight I think. There are also (no) Italian ones, three I think. However, there are (no) Mexican restaurants.

  • F: I want to buy (some) new clothes for the holidays, but I don’t have (any) money. Can you lend me (some)?

A: I’m sorry, but I have (no) money on me.

مهم : حل كتاب الانجليزي اول متوسط

Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets

  • Amr doesn’t have much free time. “little”

Amr has (little free time).

  • The room looks large because they have very little furniture in it. “much”

The room looks large because they (don’t have much furniture.

  • Ali didn’t win many races. “few”.

He (won few races).

  • There isn’t any orange juice left. “no”

There (is no orange juice left).

  • I slept for only a few hours last night. “much”

I didn’t (sleep much).


Complete the sentences with the correct question tag

  • You are Amr, (Aren’t you)?
  • It isn’t very early, (is it)?
  • Amr’s seen the documentary, (hasn’t it)?
  • Ali couldn’t drive last year, (could he)?
  • They are met Amr before, (haven’t they)?
  • His parents left last night, (didn’t they)?
  • I’m your best friend, (aren’t I)?
  • We will not go to the festival, (will we)?


Rewrite the sentences using the words given

  • Ali got very good marks. His parents bought him a car.

(Ali got such good marks that his parents bought him a car).

  • It was a difficult problem and nobody could think of an answer.
  • (the problem was so difficult that nobody could think of the answer).
  • It was a beautiful day. We went for a walk on the beach.

(the day was so beautiful that We went for a walk).

  • The picnic was beautiful. The children didn’t want to leave.

(the picnic was so successful that the children didn’t want to leave).




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